Ways To Give

Your donation will be placed back into our community to support heart and vascular care here in West Tennessee. These dollars might be used to assist with a Heart House for families of a loved one recovering from a heart event, to assist with the purchase of new technology for our doctors, for research opportunities, or even to purchase an AED to place in our community. Your support will also make the 4-Minute City Initiative and our new Youth EKG Screening Program possible. Thank you for your support of Friends of Heart!


Donations to Friends of Heart can be mailed to:

Friends of Heart
P.O. Box 12393
Jackson, TN 38308

Anna Lambert Fund

Anna Lambert is the daughter of Tania and Jeremy Lambert. They tragically lost Anna on February 21, 2012. Tania and Jeremy keep Anna’s spirit alive through their recommendations to help families who have a child with congenital heart disease. Watch the video in the link below as Tania explains that day and why she supports Friends of Heart. Anna will never be forgotten--she lives on through Tania and Jeremy as a beacon of hope to others!

Purchase an AED for Donation to the Community

You may purchase an Automated External Defibrillator, which is essential to converting a deadly heart rhythm back to normal when someone goes into cardiac arrest. The AED is simple and easy to use and doesn’t require medical personnel to be present. Placing AEDs throughout the communities can mean the difference between life and death and is crucial for EMS to better treat the patient once they arrive. Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation with an AED can more than double a victim’s chance for survival.

​For more information, contact Friends of Heart at 731.343.3330.